Once upon a time in Bollywood

Once Upon a Time in Bollywood presents an extravaganza of essays on globalization and contemporary Hindi cinema Bollywood.

The wide-ranging analytic strategies in the collection-including ethnographic self-reflection, literary comparison, economic contextualization, and biographic study - bear witness to Hindi cinema’s aesthetically elaborate and politically entangled treatment of postcolonial concerns.

Together, these essays invite fresh, critically informed engagements with many of the key issues and creative tensions that continue to shape the world’s most prolific film industry.

For connoisseurs and critics of Hindi cinema alike, Once Upon a Time in Bollywood presents stirring insights into popular culture.

“Once Upon a Time in Bollywood - The Global Swing in Hindi Cinema” was edited and a collaboration among Gurbir Jolly, Zenia Wadhwani, and Deborah Baretto.

Jolly is currently pursuing a PhD in Humanities at York University.  One day he hopes to figure out what Leonard Cohen meant when he wrote, “There’s a blaze of light in every word.” He also aspires to make Bollywood adaptations of Stanley Kubrick films.

Wadhwani works in the non-profit sector during the day and spends her evenings and weekends loving and promoting South Asian arts and culture.

She is an active volunteer, a recipient of the Action Canada Fellowship and a part-time PhD student in the Communication and Culture program at York University.

Barretto works for a women’s organization in Toronto. She re-discovered the fun in Bollywood films with her ten-year-old son. In her spare time, she reads and plays the piano. To find out more visit: www.tsarbooks.com.

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