10 Cover Letter mistakes to avoid

If you’re serious about making a first impression that lasts, avoid these common cover letter no-nos:

1. Skipping a cover letter entirely: Always include a cover letter with your job application, unless the application instructions specifically request you don’t.

2. Opening with an offensive salutation: Mr, Mrs, or Ms? If in doubt, always use a gender-neutral salutation.

3. Ignoring grammar and spelling mistakes: Before you send your cover letter run it by spell-check and a fresh set of eyes.

4. Leaving out the job title or job reference: Failing to quote the job title or job reference in your cover letter suggests an inability to follow instructions, and can often result in your application not being processed.

5. Addressing the wrong person or company: Always set a little extra time aside to check the contact details on your cover letter against those provided in the job ad.

6. Being too casual or familiar: Always be formal, professional, and concise. But don’t think ‘formal’ has to mean ‘stiff.’

7. Attaching an informal photo: Avoid this tempation.

8. Spamming multiple employers: No potential employer wants to see a string of competitors’ email addresses at the top of your cover letter - it makes your job application feel lazy and directionless even if it’s not.

9. Using an unprofessional email address: Hey, [email protected]. Consider setting up an email account with a more professional name.

10. Not revising an old cover letter: If you haven’t updated your cover letter in the past year or when your responsibilities or qualifications changed, it’s very important that you update it now.

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