My Work My Education: Jeannine Thornton

Age: 41  
Work title: Residential Care Aid
Company name: Drake Medox
Work hours per week: 20 hours  
Years of position:  14 years  
Salary: $20,000 part time or $40, 000 full-time

Best part of your job:
I enjoy helping people. Family members will sometimes ask hard questions about treatment and even death. You must be kind and gentle when dealing with these sensitive matters. I think I have a gift for understanding that there’s a time to cry
and time not to.

Your inspiration:
My brother has Down syndrome. He was born when I was 13 years old. My mom  and my step dad worked really hard to support him. I was encouraged to help  him.

Challenging work encountered:
Clients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s need a steady presence in their lives, meaning they depend on having the same people caring for them. Whenever you have to  substitute for an RCA who’s on vacation, the client will sometimes ignore you or ask you to leave or even threaten you. Getting through the door is a challenge    because if they are having a bad day they will decide they don’t want you there. We have to be creative, like asking to use the phone or bathroom or suggesting we sit down for a cup of tea.

Program from Drake Medox:
Residential Care Aide program
Certified Residential Care Aide

Your advice: Pick a course that has lots of role play because it prepares you in dealing with difficult situations. Always read the log book, and make sure to write your entry down after your shift so you can always report back to the supervisor if any problem arises.
Favorite recreational activity: Reading, cross-stitch and being with my family
Upcoming vacation plans:
To visit my family in Sweden
Plans in life (both professionally and personally):
I want to be a licensed practical nurse. I would like to meet someone, settle down and possibly have kids.

Want to know more about Jeannine Thornton? Send email to [email protected]or call mobile phone 604-716-9169 

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