Pakistani beauties redefine heritage

Mark your calendars, ladies and gentleman. The fifth annual Miss Pakistan World Pageant is coming to Toronto on June 23rd. 2007.

Built on a legacy of honouring strong women who redefine their Pakistani heritage, the pageant will host participants from China, United Kingdom, USA, and Canada.

The 8 day pageant will include a swimsuit shoot in Toronto, featuring designer bikinis by Pakistani designer Thomas Fernandez from Karachi.

The pageant will conduct preliminary interviews, a swimsuit competition, a question and answer segment, a talent contest, and a Pakistani traditional wear and evening gown section. This year’s titles include Miss Congeniality, Miss Photogenic, Miss Fitness, Best in Costume and Miss Talent.

The winner of the pageant will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of pageants, including Miss Earth. The runner-ups will go to Model of the World, Miss Bikini Universe, Queen of the World and World Miss University pageants to name a few.

The only existing international pageant representing Pakistan, Miss Pakistan World has gained tremendous momentum since its inception in 2002.

In total, Miss Pakistan World participants and winners have won 5 international titles and participated in a record-breaking 7 international pageants in just one year. To date, the company has reached its 10th international pageant.

This year’s Miss Pakistan World Pageant will continue to push boundaries and celebrate Pakistan’s brightest and most beautiful, say its organizers.

Sehr Mahmood was born on 10th August in Karachi, Pakistan. She completed her O’ and A levels & from there after moved to Boston, USA. Moving from Pakistan to the West was a huge change as the culture and lifestyle was very different but she integrated with the lifestyle of the West. She completed her undergraduate degree - a specialized honors in Economics. She is currently writing GMATS as she will apply for Masters Program next year.

Reigning queen Sehr Mahmood said the pageant is a great platform which gives Pakistani women the opportunity to emerge as a voice for their community and address issues that need to be dealt with.

“Even though every girl could not win the crown, they were all still winners as the pageant gave us all the opportunity to explore our hidden talents and encouraged us to do things we had never done before - be it dancing, the catwalk or even speaking on a stage in front of millions of people.”

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