Vancouver Fashion Week: Fredrick Fung


Vancouver Fashion Week
Designer of the Day

Designer: Frederick Fung

Label: Frederick Fung

Fashion school: Helen Lefeaux

Theme of my new collection:
Modern City Androgynous Flappers--Easy-fitted casual jackets and pants for both men and women.

Colours, fabrics and silhouettes in your new collection:
Cream, natural, grey and black in linen, cotton and silk in easy-fitted silhouette for both men and women. Lower waist, different length of sleeves and pants, draping, textures and minimal colors through out the collection.

Style icons (past or present) whom you most admire:
Madeleine Vionnet and Isabel Toledo

Celebrity you'd love to see in your clothes:
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Three classic, versatile pieces you think everyone should have in his/her wardrobe:
White V-neck T, old and torn jeans and heavy yarns knitted cardigan.

Do you have any advice for aspiring fashion designers:
I think hard working and passionate of what you are doing is a must. a lot of people had said it because it's true. Also, don't expect instant success,it takes a long time to get there. If you just focus on what you love to do, in time when opportunity comes in your way, do not hesitate to take your chances.

What trend do you see coming for next year:
Close fitting clothes been here for awhile. I think more comfortable, easy fitting clothes are on the way. More natural tones and colors from nature. Loud colors will gradually out. We may even have a new color to replace black?! You never know.

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