Artist Profile: Rupan Bal

Rupan Bal

Age: 25

Ethnicity: Indo Canadian/Sikh Punjabi

Occupation: Actor/Producer at Intuit Publicity


Upcoming performances/projects:

• Student Di Kahani ”movie”

• Yen Euro Dollar-music video

• Koffee Date Launch Event

• Hosting event South Asian Dating Event for a new app in Toronto at Club Yolo.


Something you saw or experienced recently that made you pause:

I recently saw my aunt, from my mom’s side go through domestic abuse. It was crazy to see the unimaginable situation her husband put her through. I want use my work in Bollywood to raise awareness about the serious issue of domestic violence in families in the South Asian community.


If you could share dinner with any historical figure:

Akhsay Kumar. I have always looked up to him and feel I share his level of energy and persona. If I had the chance to meet him, I would tell him I look up to him and how he has positively influenced my career.


Advice you would give to the 18 year old version of yourself:

Follow your heart and soul and be what you want to be. Focus on one thing. I became successful as an actor in such a short period of time because I fully devoted my heart to working on films. Most of all, I would want to remind myself not to let others get in the way of following my heart.


Future goals:

Continue to pursue acting and produce films, which raise awareness about issues that have not been touched on before. I want to produce meaningful cinema that changes minds and hearts even if it is not commercially viable. Inspire youth in our community to follow their passion to become an artist, like me, instead of having to go through unnecessary struggle or return to India.


Social media/ website contacts


If you are an artist and would like to be featured in our newspaper, email: [email protected]


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