Malaysian Sikh pipe takes home top prize at international competition

Sri Dasmesh Pipe Band, who won the World Pipe Band Championship in Scotland in August, hopes their win will inspire Malaysian youth to dream big and achieve those dreams.

“It was to show the world that Malaysia too, has world class musicians,” said Drum Sergeant Tripert Singh.

About 8,000 pipers and drummers from 195 bands competed at the Glasgow Green. Bands came from: New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Austria, Switzerland, Eire, United States, Belgium, England, Spain, Malaysia, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

The band, which was the only Sikh band in the competition, emerged on the top for overall drumming as well best parade.

This is the second time the Malaysian band took part in the world series organized by the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association.

Sri Damesh was initially a passion project developed to provide leadership skills for Sikh youth in 1986. That project evolved into a pipe band. The band is named after the 10th guru of the Sikhs.

Members of the band include: Pipe Major Tirath Singh, Drum Sergeant Tripert Singh and Mid-Section Head Sukhpreet Kaur).

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