Canada’s new Food Guide

This year, Health Canada revised its recommendations for healthy eating with a new version of Canada’s Food Guide. The new guide, the first in 15 years, reflects the changing diets of Canadians and takes into account food choices that are a part of Canada’s evolving cultural mosaic.

The Food Guide categorizes the food we eat into 4 groups:
• Vegetables and Fruit
• Grain Products
• Milk and Alternatives
• Meat and Alternatives

Each category gives a recommended serving size based on age and gender. For example, a 35-year old woman should consume:
• 7-8 servings of vegetables and fruit
• 6-7 servings of grain products
• 2 servings of milk and alternatives
• 2 servings of meat and alternatives
• 30 to 45 mL (2 to 3 tbsp) of sitting down for a nutritious breakfast together as a family. Two eggs, a slice of whole grain toast and a glass of juice will provide you with a balanced meal and the long-lasting energy you get from high-quality protein like eggs. For more information on healthy eating, visit - News Canada

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