Miracle ‘train’ baby marriage proposals

Jodha, the brave one, is home. The miracle baby born two months ago had fallen through the toilet in a moving train and onto the tracks moments after her mother prematurely gave birth.


She is now being cosseted with gifts, many blessings and even some marriage proposals.

Her birth is being seen in Rajasthan as a miracle.

It was on February 27 when the child’s mother, Bhuri, was traveling with relatives on an overnight train when she went to the bathroom shortly before midnight and unexpectedly gave birth to a baby girl. The child weighing just 1.4kg fell between two steel tracks and was found two hours later on the cold night — but survived.

Two months later, Jodha, as she is fondly called for being tough enough to endure the trauma of her birth, is home in Swaroopganj, about 350 km from the Rajasthan capital Jaipur, after her hospital stay in Ahmedabad, where father Prabhuram Kalbi works as a cleaner.

The family and Jodha has become the cynosure of all eyes. People from all over the town and even nearby villages are gathering around the house eager to catch a glimpse of the baby.

Her grandmother Jethibai who travelled with other relatives to see Jodha, likely to be formally called Radha, is amazed at the baby’s resilience.

“I have come here to see her and give her my blessings,” Jethibai said.

For her 12-year-old sister Dolly, Jodha is a precious prize she can’t share with anyone else.

“She is my sister, don’t touch her,” the possessive sister has been telling the curious visitors thronging the house.

Added Rambhan, a resident: “Don’t you think she is a miracle? This girl has generated tremendous excitement and goodwill amongst people here. She fell from the train but survived and now is absolutely fine. I wanted to see the child who has been bestowed the good fortune by God so I have come here.”

People have been bringing fruits, clothes and gifts for the child.

And even two proposals from the community.

“Yes we have got two engagement proposals from our community. They have communicated to us that they do not want any dowry. According to them, no trouble can come near a child who has God’s blessings with her,” said a relative.

Jodha’s father Prabhuram is overwhelmed.

“People are coming as they want to see the child. Some come with fruits while others are bringing toys and clothes for her. She has become a centre of attraction,” he said.

But he is also a little worried.

“We do not want many people to visit her as she might catch an infection about which doctors have warned us. Our daughter has lived against all odds. She has proved she is a miraculous fighter and we want the government to support her in her studies and upbringing as we are not very well off,” Prabhuram said.
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