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Local news

This weeks excerpt compares homes of a similar size and value in both Colombo and Vancouver  

Marui Bakery serves up an array of pasteries that are delicious and mouth watering 

Record Record numbers expected to spawn for annual Adams River salmon run

This week's excerpt compares home of a similar size and value in Karachi and Vancouver

A delegation of Canada's top seven universities will tour India over the next 10 days to woo students

The CPPB plans to make a large scale investment into Asia's third largest economy

Many new Canadians believe that you need a credit history to qualify for a mortgage

On August 1, 2014, legislative changes to the definition of dependant children came into effect

Zara Durrani is working with Artistar Entertainment to produce an edgier show for American audiences 

This week's excerpt compares homes of a similar size and value in Bangladesh and Vancouver 


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