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Governments are trying to attract newcomers to rural and small-town Canada, but are the nation's settlement services up to the task of helping integrate them into these less-diverse settings? Fabian Dawson reports
Experts push for expansion of Post-Graduation Work Permit Program as Statistics Canada shows the number of international students entering the labour market has markedly increased in Canada
From India to the Philippines to China, authoritarian leaders are limiting freedoms to portray themselves as more effective than state institutions, fuelling a new kind of corruption in the region
Even as India, China, Philippines, Pakistan and South Korea consistently top the list of source countries for newcomers, more than 60 percent of Canadians think Asian immigration will positively impact the country, states a new poll
Canada’s bio-economy will require about 65,000 additional workers by the end of this decade and the sector is looking at new immigrants and international students to fill the labour shortage