Reflections, at Keppel Bay, is an original and eye-catching concept in living spaces, with six glass towers making for an imposing sight.
The towers are set to cause a stir as they are designed to look as though they are twisted and leaning, making them a real attraction for travellers with an eye for design.
Each of the six towers comes complete with a sky garden and is linked to the other buildings through a series of sky bridges.
‘These developments underscore the value and appeal of this waterfront precinct in the international arena,’ said Teo Soon Hoe from developer Keppel.
Singapore is home to many fantastic works of modern architecture, with the OUB Centre, UOB Plaza One and Republic Plaza sharing the honour of being the country’s tallest.
Another major attraction in Singapore is the Temple of 1,000 Lights. Also known as the Sakya Muni Gaya Temple, the building is home to a 15-metre high Buddha statue.