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Top news

Canada is looking at capping the number of international students as the immigration minister says the move is to tackle "a system that has gotten out of control

Canada hikes proof of funds amount for international students while warning institutions not to accept applicants if they can’ provide housing

A U.S. criminal indictment sheds light on India’s alleged targeting of Sikhs in Canada, fuelling fears by international students

A new website will provide British Columbians with opportunities to share their vision for a new museum

Same-sex marriage is an active legal and social issue across SouthSoutheast and East Asia states a new study

Newcomers make up a higher proportion of the trucking industry, compared to other industries

Concerns over resource competition, housing, and employment opportunities are brought to the forefront while the public's perceptions of immigration shifts

Canada caps immigration target amid housing crunch and inflation, even as an increasing number of newcomers have opted to leave

New plans come as more Canadians feel the country is taking in too many immigrants which is impacting the housing crisis

According to a new report, renters in B.C. have the highest eviction rates compared to other provinces in Canada


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