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Korean-Canadian filmmaker showcases one-time enemies from conflicts around the world who have become neighbours after moving to Canada

Marc Miller, Canada's new Immigration Minister, must maintain strong public support for immigration while ensuring there is enough affordable housing for all Canadians, experts say

Multiple studies have shown that deteriorating mental health is a common phenomenon among immigrants

Newborns of immigrants are healthier than their Canadian neighbours in low-income urban communities’ states new study

Canada has become a safe haven for the Islamic Republic’s money laundering activities," says co-founder of StopIRGC

Under the Tech Talent Strategy the government has opened new pathways to attract foreign tech workers, including promoting Canada as a destination for digital nomads

Suspect accused of providing hundreds of international students, fake college admission letters to secure study permits in Canada

The heatwave that began in April in Asia, with record temperatures continues to affect several parts of the continent

Canadian-Baha'i community remembers the barbaric execution of 10 women who refused to recant their faith

British Columbia attracts some of the highest numbers of international students intending to stay in Canada but has the lowest rate of permanent residency offers


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